Question aout SENSHA

I want to know how to use the product.
Instructions on how to use the product are provided at the bottom of each product page through videos, etc.
Furthermore, if you have any questions about how to use or use it in more detail, please feel free to contact us at the following phone number or email address.
Phone number: 0463-94-5106
Email address: [email protected]
*Telephone reception hours are from 10:00 to 16:00 (excluding Saturdays, Sundays, and holidays).
*Usually we try our best to reply to emails within 24 hours, but if you do not receive a response within 3 business days, please check the following points and contact us again.
1. Please make sure that the email address you entered when making the inquiry is correct.
2. Please check the spam folder and whitelist our email reception permission settings to your email setting.
*If you have set restrictions to certain domain-specific reception permission, please give permission or whitelist our email so that you can receive it from our server "".
Frequent question