Product ID : 987-1

Gloss and water repellent additive for longterm nano ceramic coating


WATER-REPELLENT ACCELERENT 1L (Use quantity : 15ml/car)

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* You can order either domestic or international products, but not both.

Origin Japan
List Price 29,485 Yen
No of Use 67
Cost per car 440 Yen


Feature and benefits

Advance coating powers.

This product is a WATER-REPELLENT ACCELERANT used after coating our CRYSTAL GLOW. You can improve the effectiveness of the coating with a simple operation. The coating film of our CRYSTAL GLOW is popular for its clear texture like glass, but by using this product, the glossiness becomes deeper and the water repellency is further promoted. The work is very easy, so it is a product that owners who love car life can enjoy coating even more. It can also be applied to cars that have been coated with our CRYSTAL GLOW.

Easy 2 steps!

The usage is straightforward. Simply apply this solution and immediately wipe it off with our basic cloth. It's so easy that anyone, whether you're used to it or not, can experience the same effect.

○Product's Compatibility

Instruction of how to apply

Instruction 1. "Apply and wipe immediately!"

After the coating process of our "CRYSTAL GLOW" has been completed, As easy as "Apply and wipe". Apply "WATER-REPELLENT ACCELERANT" using our clean coating sponge. Wipe off immediately after applying this solution. It's that easy, so even a big car doesn't have to be a hassle.

Instruction 2. "Can be applied using our CORDLESS POWER POLISHER!"

By using our popular "CORDLESS POWER POLISHER", it's even easier. You can finish evenly in a short time. Our "URETHANE BUFF (SOFT) " is recommended as the buff to be installed. Simply apply with a polisher and wipe with a dry cloth.

"I want more water repellency!"
"I want a deeper luster!"

Please give it a try


・If you would like to apply this product to where coating with our CRYSTAL GLOW was done several months before, please wash your car with car shampoo such as BODY CLEAN and wipe off any remaining water completely. Please wash and clean surfaces properly before an application, otherwise, it might cause scratches.
・Please do not apply this product to plastic and rubber.
・When applying the product with a polisher, please use a polishing pad for WATER-REPELLENT ACCELERANT only. Do not use the same polishing pad with other polishing compounds.
・Use WATER-REPELLENT ACCELERANT for coated surfaces with our CRYSTAL GLOW only.

We are loved by the world

Our quality is proven in About 34 countries around the world and around 800 branches.

Our products have been used regularly at approximately 800 stores in 34 countries around the world, including Asia, Europe, the Middle East, and Africa.
In Japan, our products are used by car washes, gas stations, and a variety of other automobile-related companies.

How to use

  • 【1】Rinse out dust and dirt with a strong water flow.

  • 【2】Wash the car with car shampoo such as our BODY CLEAN for surface preparation before coating

  • 【3】Use a dry cloth to wipe away excess water.

  • 【4】Spread the water-repellent accelerator with our COATING SPONGE without any gaps in the vertical and horizontal directions.

  • 【5】Wipe off with our BASIC CLOTH immediately without waiting.

  • 【6】Repeat applying and wiping until finishing total paint.

  • 【7】 Make a final check if there is any area that is not wiped.

・ If you want to use it after coating it with our CRYSTAL GLOW, please start from step 4.