Product ID : 986-025

1-year durability, nano ceramic coating agent for chrome & metal plating


METAL PLATING CRYSTAL 250ml (Use quantity : 8ml/car)

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* You can order either domestic or international products, but not both.

Origin Japan
List Price 14,798 Yen
No of Use 31
Cost per car 477 Yen


Features and Benefits

Protect chrome plated parts and keep shine.

This item is protective coating agent for chrome plating.

It can be used of all chrome plating such as car grill, car door handle, trim or emblem. Since hard protective coating film is created, it can slow car degradation and keep your car parts in deep shine.

The cars recently use chrome plated parts. When the parts get dull, the entire image of car will down.
Especially Western cars, they have black chrome plating window frame.The car owners usually worry about the dullness of the chrome plating.
This coating can be used for all car types.
You can slow car degradation with this coating.Please try it at once.

Surprising Durability of Coating

12 months or more with one construction!

This is a coating agent for chrome plating that creates protective film layer like glass Glossy shine and water repellent lasts more than 12 months. Since the coating layer is very hard, it can protect your car part from scratch. After polishing with our Metal Plating Polish, please coat with METAL PLATING CRYSTAL.

Example of use

■Example1. It is very easy. Anyone can do it !

After applying this coating agent on the part and wipe off. Apply and wipe off, easy-to-use product. The instruction is as follows.

  • 【1】Rinse dust, sand, mud and dirt with a strong stream of water. In order to prevent dirt and deposits from remaining, we perform necessary surface treatment such as cleaning with our BODY CLEAN.

  • 【2】Wipe well so that no water remains.

  • 【3】 Wrap our COATING CLOTH around our COATING SPONGE and let this liquid soak evenly.

  • 【4】Apply vertically - horizontally around 10 - 20 cm, leave no gaps all through the surface.

  • 【5】Wipe off immediately with our BASIC CLOTH without waiting.

  • 【6】Carefully check that there are no leftovers, and you are done.

I want to protect chrome plated parts! I want to coating chrome plated parts after polishing! If so, please try our product.

・This product can be used for chrome plating only.
・This product cannot be used for car paint, plastic, rubber.
・If you use this product while there is any dirt or contamination on the surface, the dirt cannot be removed.
・Please make the surface in clean condition before coating with this product.
・Do not allow it to dry. Wipe down with cloth immediately after application.
・Please avoid using this product in that place that has direct sunlight.
・This product is not item for removing any dirt on chrome plating. If you would like to remove any dirt, please follow the below steps. Daily car wash with our BODY CLEAN. Remove contamination such as spray mist with our CLEAN CLAY. Remove dullness and scratch with our METAL PLATING POLISH Since this product will coagulate when contacting with air, it cannot be stored after open.

We are loved by the world

Our quality is proven in about 34 countries around the world and around 800 branches.

Our products are long-selling products that are loved by customers in approximately 800 stores in 34 countries around the world, including Asia, Europe, the Middle East, and Africa.
In Japan, our products are used by car washes, gas stations, and a variety of other automobile-related companies.

How to use

  • 【1】Rinse dust, sand, mud and dirt with a strong stream of water.

  • 【2】In order to prevent dirt and deposits from remaining, we perform necessary surface treatment such as cleaning with our BODY CLEAN.

  • 【3】Wipe well so that no water remains.

  • 【4】Wrap our COATING CLOTH around our COATING SPONGE and let this solution soak evenly.

  • 【5】Apply vertically - holizontally around 10 - 20cm, leave no gaps all through the surface.

  • 【6】Wipe off immediately with our BASIC CLOTH without waiting.

  • 【7】Carefully check that there are no leftovers, and you are done.