Product ID : 965-4

Glass Coating agent for automotive spray type


EPIC CLEAN 4L (Use quantity : 30ml/car)

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* You can order either domestic or international products, but not both.

Origin Japan
List Price 5,246 Yen
No of Use 133
Cost per car 39 Yen



Developed at the request of SENSHA USA

This product is a coating agent developed at the request of SENSHA USA.。

Request 1: Do not use water

In Arizona and California, where SENSHA USA is located, water seems to be a precious area, and if you leave the water out and wash the car, you may be fined.

Request 2: Easy work

Campers seem to be very popular in the United States. Furthermore, unlike Japanese campers, it is very large!
There was a demand for a product that would allow you to easily coat such a huge vehicle.

Request 3: Strong sunlight measures

Arizona and California are also dry areas, so the sunlight is strong, and there was a request to minimize the deterioration of the painted surface over time.。

Just spray and wipe! Water-free coating agent

In response to a request from SENSHA USA, this product has been completed as a coating agent that does not use water and can be protected and polished with simple work. Simply spray lightly on the body of your car and wipe it off with a cloth to complete the coating process. With one construction, the coating effect can be exhibited for about 1 to 3 months.


We are loved by the world

Our quality is proven in about 34 countries around the world and around 800 branches.

Our products are long-selling products that are loved by customers in approximately 800 stores in 34 countries around the world, including Asia, Europe, the Middle East, and Africa.
In Japan, our products are used by car washes, gas stations, and a variety of other automobile-related companies.

How to use

  • 【1】Spray on the body surface or cloth.

  • 【2】Wipe it evenly with a cloth that has been moistened and squeezed tightly to complete the process.

・ Apply it in a cool/shaded area and avoid hot surface conditions or under direct sunlight.
・ Please remove any dust sand or mud before use to avoid any scratches or stains.
・ Use a gentle spray and wipe thoroughly to avoid white marks.