Product ID : 10K042

High efficient cleaning product dedicated to cleaning automobile interiors.


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Origin China
List Price 32,700 Yen
No of Use 0
Cost per car 32,700 Yen


Cleaning machine specialized for interior cleaning

This product, the TORNADO GUN, is an ideal cleaner for cleaning vehicle interiors. Connected to an air compressor, it can dispense high-pressure air in a striking manner, enabling efficient cleaning of dirt.
Another feature is the ability to atomize the cleaning agent, which reduces the occurrence of cleaning spots.


【1】Dilute ROOM CLEAN 5 to 10 times and add to the bottle provided.
【2】Set the bottle on the gun and connect it to the air compressor hose.
【3】Spray on the stained area.
【3】Wipe off the dirt with a damp cloth that has been wrung out once.。

● This product is connected to an air compressor. Please prepare an air compressor.
● An air compressor is not included in this product set.
● Stains and material deterioration left for long periods of time will not be remedied by this product TORNADO GUN.
● We recommend the use of ROOM CLEAN as the cleaning agent to be used. The efficacy of the detergent in breaking down and removing stains depends on its performance.


We are loved by the world

Our quality is proven in about 34 countries around the world and around 800 branches.

Our products have been used regularly at approximately 800 stores in 34 countries around the world, including Asia, Europe, the Middle East, and Africa.
In Japan, our products are used by car washes, gas stations, and a variety of other automobile-related companies.