RUST BLOCK for Bicycle 4L

Product ID : 366-4

Anti rust coating agent for bicycles


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Origin Japan
List Price 40,548 Yen
No of Use 0
Cost per car 40,548 Yen


Anti-rust coating agent for bicycles

Rust Block is a rust - preventive coating agent which is developed for bicycles. It bond & absorbed well into the rough painted surface. It will form a rust-preventive coating film layer.

The drying time is 30 minutes. With the 1-time application, it has a rust preventive effect that lasts for about 1 year.




What causes rust?

"Before you even realize it, your bicycle suddenly found rusty". There are many people who have this same experience. There are various causes of rust. Bicycles are used even in the rain. Cycling to the coast is also fun, isn't it? Bicycles have many components that are easy to get rusty, so if they are exposed to rain or sea breeze and abandon for some time, they will easily get rusted. Rust not only spoils the appearance but also leads to failure damage & junks.

In order to maintain the appearance and performance of your bicycle from such rust, we recommend rust prevention treatment with Rust Block. Please give it a try!




Effective & applicable for all type of bicycles

What is the effect of this product Rust Block? Naturally, it doesn't matter what kind of bicycle you have.

It can be used for all type of bicycles, from city bicycle to children's bicycle, mountain and road bicycle.



Since it is a transparent film, it can be applied to various parts.

The coating film is colorless and transparent. therefore It will keep the original color of the parts after application.

It can be applied on parts that are easy to get rusty, such as transmissions, brake calipers, various bolts and nuts, and easy rusty wheel spokes.





※ Do not use on brake rotors, brake pads, brake shoes, or around wheel brake, and rubber material.



Also used in all SENSHA Bicycle shops - the bicycle washing specialist.

At each SENSHA Bicycle store, which specializes in bicycle washing and coating, we carry out coating work every day. We receive many inquiries about rust prevention from customers who come to our store, and we also perform rust prevention coating processing on this product's Rust Block.

It is a product that you can apply by yourself, so please give it a try.




How to use

  • 1) - 1) Clean the surface that you want to apply

  • 2) - Spray enough amount of this liquid on a brush or cloth.

  • 3) - After that apply it to the area where you want to prevent rusting, Then let it dry for about 30 minutes or more to finish the application.

  • 4) - If you apply too much, wipe it off with tissue or cloth.

※ If you are concerned about the dampness of the coated surface, wipe it off with a dry cloth.

※ This product is rust preventive. This is not a chain oil. We recommend our Bicycle Chain Oil for lubricating the chain.

※ When applying to parts with spiral or torque shapes like springs and mechanical devices, make sure that this liquid penetrates into the small parts on the backside that cannot be seen from the surface. Corrosion occurs from uncoated backsides and gaps.